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Electronic Warfare Trainer NSN 6920-01-125-1507

NSN 6920-01-125-1507 NSN: 6920-01-125-1507

Features and Characteristics

Special Test Features
Some information contained in software associated with this device is classified secret, this software is removed and stored when the device is not in operation, declassifying this equipment
General Description
Nord-10/s comuputer with control crt and keyboard; oper. Power rqmts: 120 vac, 60 hz, 3 ph; o/a dim: 71 in. Lg. X 32 in. W x 63 in. H; floor mounted; provides training in a realistic simulation of on-board ecm equipment in an electronic warface environment; electrical power source will be power cabinet utilized by f-16 trainer, flight simulator
6920 Armament Training Devices

Manufacturer Part Numbers

Part numbers registered to this national stock number.
Part Number
Part Number:
Cage Code:

Foreign Trade & Schedule B

What is a Schedule B number? Find more information at help.cbp.gov
  • Schedule B Number: 9803200000
  • NAICS: 990000
  • SITC: 93100
  • Description: Military equipments not identified by kind
  • End Use (Code 50060):
    Military apparel and footwear

Q & A

Frequently asked questions for NSN 6920-01-125-1507
What are the manufacturers of nsn 6920011251507?
Does this nsn 6920011251507 have a shelf life?
No. This NSN does not have an applicable shelf life.
What is the formal definition of nsn 6920011251507
Does nsn 6920011251507 contain any precious metals?
No precious metal content.
Does nsn 6920011251507 contain any hazardous materials?
No MSDS. No hazardous material.
What is the ESD classification of nsn 6920011251507?
No known electrostatic discharge.

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