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Circuit Card Assembly NSN 5998-01-004-7798

Item Description

A grouping of two or more physically connected or related electrical an/or electronic parts capable of dissassemblage. each component of the assemblage must be capable of functioning in accordance with its own item name. consists of a single printed circuit board or terminal board upon which are mounted separately manufactured electronic components such as capacitors, inductors, resistors, and the like. it may also include printed electronic components. the item is generally part of a subassembly and cannot be assigned a more definite item name. for items having a complete individual electrical/electronic function, use applicable item name such as amplifier (as modified); power supply; or the like. for items not having a complete individual electrical/electronic function, see applicable subassembly name, such as amplifier subassembly; power supply subassembly; or the like. for an assembly of electrical/electronic components mounted on other than a single printed wiring board, see electronic components assembly. excludes printed circuit boar

NSN 5998-01-004-7798 NSN: 5998-01-004-7798

Features and Characteristics

Part Name Assigned By Controlling Agency
Fsc application data: amplifier, guided missile system
Special Features
Capacitor 8, connector plug 1, diode 10, microcircuit 2, printed wiring board 1, resistor 26, transistor 7
5998 Associated Hardware Cards Boards Electrical And Electronic Assemblies

Manufacturer Part Numbers

Part numbers registered to this national stock number.
Part Number
Part Number:
Cage Code:

Foreign Trade & Schedule B

What is a Schedule B number? Find more information at help.cbp.gov
  • Schedule B Number: 8542900000
  • NAICS: 334413
  • SITC: 77689
  • Description: Electronic integrated circuits and microassembly parts
  • End Use (Code 21320):

Q & A

Frequently asked questions for NSN 5998-01-004-7798
What are the manufacturers of nsn 5998010047798?
Does this nsn 5998010047798 have a shelf life?
No. This NSN does not have an applicable shelf life.
What is the formal definition of nsn 5998010047798
A grouping of two or more physically connected or related electrical an/or electronic parts capable of dissassemblage. each component of the assemblage must be capable of functioning in accordance with its own item name. consists of a single printed circuit board or terminal board upon which are mounted separately manufactured electronic components such as capacitors, inductors, resistors, and the like. it may also include printed electronic components. the item is generally part of a subassembly and cannot be assigned a more definite item name. for items having a complete individual electrical/electronic function, use applicable item name such as amplifier (as modified); power supply; or the like. for items not having a complete individual electrical/electronic function, see applicable subassembly name, such as amplifier subassembly; power supply subassembly; or the like. for an assembly of electrical/electronic components mounted on other than a single printed wiring board, see electronic components assembly. excludes printed circuit boar
Does nsn 5998010047798 contain any precious metals?
No precious metal content.
Does nsn 5998010047798 contain any hazardous materials?
No MSDS. No hazardous material.
What is the ESD classification of nsn 5998010047798?
No known electrostatic discharge.

Identification Group

Item Identification Guide (IIG) and Item Name Code (INC)
App. Key
Cond. Code
App. Key:
Cond. Code:

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