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Electronic Control Amplifier NSN 5996-00-860-9657

Item Description

An electronic device which enables input signals to control a local source of power and deliver output signals of greater amplitude with respect to current and/or voltage. The output signals characteristics are uniformly related to the input signals, and are suitable for controlling or supplying power for exciting electric motors or similar devices. It includes devices commonly referred to as servo amplifiers, torque amplifiers and similar equipment only if these devices do not employ synchros nor incorporate servomechanisms. It does not include items which are properly classified as audio frequency, radio frequency, direct current or video amplifiers. For amplifiers that incorporate servomechanisms and employ synchros, see amplifier, synchro signal.

NSN 5996-00-860-9657 NSN: 5996-00-860-9657

Features and Characteristics

Overall Length
2.625 inches
Overall Height
0.218 inches
Overall Width
1.904 inches
Environmental Protection
General purpose
Vibration Resistance Range In Hertz
Not rated
Shock Resistance Rating In Gravitational Units
Not rated
Operating Tempurature Range
Not rated
Average Life Measurement
Not rated
Basic Shape Style
Rectangular or square
Identification Designator
Maximum Operating Altitude Rating
Not rated
Inclosure Type
Partially enclosed
Operating Control Method
Installation Design
Control Type
Circuit Construction Type
Solid state
Frequency Per Channel
Not rated
Attenuation In Decibels
Not rated
Average Power Rating Per Channel
160.0 milliwatts input
Signal Voltage Rating Per Channel
Not rated
Overall Gain
Not rated
Impedance Rating Per Channel
54.000 ohms output channel err-100
Pulse Peak Amplitude Per Channel
Not rated
Signal Data Type Per Channel
Output signal channel, memory
Indicator Device Type And Quantity
1 light
Maximum Continuous Operating Time In Hours
Not rated
Connection Type And Location
Wire lead terminals front
Connection Contact Type And Quantity
15 printed circuit external
External Dc Operating Voltage In Volts
15.0 single voltage
External Ac Operating Voltage In Volts
Any acceptable
Features Provided
Automatic gain control
Special Features
Plugs into connector 2.594 in. Lg by 0.215 in. W
5996 Amplifiers

Manufacturer Part Numbers

Part numbers registered to this national stock number.
Part Number
Part Number:
Cage Code:

Foreign Trade & Schedule B

What is a Schedule B number? Find more information at help.cbp.gov
  • Schedule B Number: 8543709610
  • NAICS: 335999
  • SITC: 77878
  • Description: Amplifiers
  • End Use (Code 20005):
    Electric apparatus

Q & A

Frequently asked questions for NSN 5996-00-860-9657
What are the manufacturers of nsn 5996008609657?
Does this nsn 5996008609657 have a shelf life?
No. This NSN does not have an applicable shelf life.
What is the formal definition of nsn 5996008609657
An electronic device which enables input signals to control a local source of power and deliver output signals of greater amplitude with respect to current and/or voltage. the output signals characteristics are uniformly related to the input signals, and are suitable for controlling or supplying power for exciting electric motors or similar devices. it includes devices commonly referred to as servo amplifiers, torque amplifiers and similar equipment only if these devices do not employ synchros nor incorporate servomechanisms. it does not include items which are properly classified as audio frequency, radio frequency, direct current or video amplifiers. for amplifiers that incorporate servomechanisms and employ synchros, see amplifier, synchro signal.
Does nsn 5996008609657 contain any precious metals?
No precious metal content.
Does nsn 5996008609657 contain any hazardous materials?
No MSDS. No hazardous material.
What is the ESD classification of nsn 5996008609657?
No known electrostatic discharge.

Identification Group

Item Identification Guide (IIG) and Item Name Code (INC)
App. Key
Cond. Code
App. Key:
Cond. Code:

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