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Hybrid Variable Resistor NSN 5905-01-372-0711

Item Description

A resistor in which a sliding or rolling contact moves over an exposed area of the resistive element. Uniform contact pressure on the resistance element is maintained by positive pressure to permit smooth electrical and mechanical control of the resistor over the entire resistance range. The resistive element is constructed of a combination of two materials usually consisting of a wirewound element with a coating of conductive plastic applied over the resistance wire where the slider makes contact. May be constructed of a single or multiturns of wire supported on an insulating structure on which the wiper contacts the coated wire continuously in the direction of wiper travel. The opposition to the flow of current is an inherent property of the wire used and is manifested in the heat dissipated in the resistor itself. For items having manually positioned taps designed to be set and fixed prior to use, see resistor, adjustable. For items with step by step variation, see rheostat; and resistor, step by step. For tandem-mounted items designed to function together as an attenuator (and rated accordingly), see attenuator, variable. Excludes other resistor (1), variable, (as modified).

NSN 5905-01-372-0711 NSN: 5905-01-372-0711

Features and Characteristics

5905 Resistors

Manufacturer Part Numbers

Part numbers registered to this national stock number.
Part Number
Part Number:
Cage Code:

Foreign Trade & Schedule B

What is a Schedule B number? Find more information at help.cbp.gov
  • Schedule B Number: 8533400080
  • NAICS: 334416
  • SITC: 77235
  • Description: Variable resistors, including potentiometers, nesoi
  • End Use (Code 20005):
    Electric apparatus

Q & A

Frequently asked questions for NSN 5905-01-372-0711
What are the manufacturers of nsn 5905013720711?
Does this nsn 5905013720711 have a shelf life?
No. This NSN does not have an applicable shelf life.
What is the formal definition of nsn 5905013720711
A resistor in which a sliding or rolling contact moves over an exposed area of the resistive element. uniform contact pressure on the resistance element is maintained by positive pressure to permit smooth electrical and mechanical control of the resistor over the entire resistance range. the resistive element is constructed of a combination of two materials usually consisting of a wirewound element with a coating of conductive plastic applied over the resistance wire where the slider makes contact. may be constructed of a single or multiturns of wire supported on an insulating structure on which the wiper contacts the coated wire continuously in the direction of wiper travel. the opposition to the flow of current is an inherent property of the wire used and is manifested in the heat dissipated in the resistor itself. for items having manually positioned taps designed to be set and fixed prior to use, see resistor, adjustable. for items with step by step variation, see rheostat; and resistor, step by step. for tandem-mounted items designed to function together as an attenuator (and rated accordingly), see attenuator, variable. excludes other resistor (1), variable, (as modified).
Does nsn 5905013720711 contain any precious metals?
Precious metal content is unknown.
Does nsn 5905013720711 contain any hazardous materials?
No MSDS. No hazardous material.
What is the ESD classification of nsn 5905013720711?
No known electrostatic discharge.

Identification Group

Item Identification Guide (IIG) and Item Name Code (INC)
App. Key
Cond. Code
App. Key:
Cond. Code:

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