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Hobby Tool Kit NSN 5180-01-299-9582

NSN 5180-01-299-9582 NSN: 5180-01-299-9582

Features and Characteristics

General Description
Contains no. 1 knife with no. 11 fine point blade, no. 2 knife with no. 2 large fine point blade, no. 5 knife with no. 19 angled chiseling blade, no. 7 blade, no. 13 blade, no. 16 scoring blade, no. 17 light chiseling blade, no. 22 curved carving blade, no. 24 deburring blade, no. 26 whittling blade, no. 28 concave carving blade, jeweler's screwdriver, block plane, block sander, spokeshave, balsa stripper, two routers, four gouges, pin vise, three drill bits and coping saw with blade; furnished in wooden case
5180 Outfits Of Hand Tools Kits Sets

Manufacturer Part Numbers

Part numbers registered to this national stock number.
Part Number
Part Number:
Cage Code:

Foreign Trade & Schedule B

What is a Schedule B number? Find more information at help.cbp.gov
  • Schedule B Number: 8206000000
  • NAICS: 332216
  • SITC: 69570
  • Description: Tools of 2 or more of headings 8202 to 8205, in sets for retail sale
  • End Use (Code 21190):
    Photo, service industry machinery

Q & A

Frequently asked questions for NSN 5180-01-299-9582
What are the manufacturers of nsn 5180012999582?
Does this nsn 5180012999582 have a shelf life?
No. This NSN does not have an applicable shelf life.
What is the formal definition of nsn 5180012999582
Does nsn 5180012999582 contain any precious metals?
No precious metal content.
Does nsn 5180012999582 contain any hazardous materials?
No MSDS. No hazardous material.
What is the ESD classification of nsn 5180012999582?
No known electrostatic discharge.

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