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Graphical Firing Scale NSN 1220-00-300-6504

Item Description

A device designed in the form of a slide rule, having one or more scales of varying ranges, on either surface, and a plastic cursor with a matte to receive pencil markings of range correction. It is used with various types of ground and sky-sweeper weapons to determine quadrant elevation, angle of sight, or drift, and to calculate the trajectory of a projectile in relation to a target. It may contain scales for yards to meters conversion and gage points which are used in conjunction with the cursor and range scale to convert data given in meters to yards. Scales may be in mils for determining high angle fire, time of flight, deflection shift, and the like.

NSN 1220-00-300-6504 NSN: 1220-00-300-6504

Features and Characteristics

General Description
Rule no. 1, single-face type, rule no. 2, double-face type; wooden body; w/cursor, plastic; scale data, scales graduated in mils, 1 to 5 mil, 1 to 25 mil, 2 to 10 mil, 2.2 to 10 mil, 3 to 50 mil, 3 to 70 mil, 4 to 45 mil, 5 to 60 mil, 6 to 60 mil, 7 to 22 mil, 9 to 17 mil, 9 to 40 mil, 9 to 80 mil, 10 to 44 mil, 14 to 65 mil, 15 to 70 mil, 19 to 85 mil, 23 to 110 mil, 40 to 250 mil, 90 to 600 mil, 90 to 772.5 mil, 100 to 600 mil, 100 to 779.5 mil, 230 to 600 mil, 900 to 1160 mil, range of scales, scales graduated in seconds, 4 to 20 seconds, 5 to 24.2 seconds, 5.1 to 27 seconds, 5.5 to 30 seconds, 6 to 32 seconds, 7.5 to 44 seconds, 11 to 55 seconds, 19 to 42 seconds, 33 to 37 seconds, 36 to 43 seconds, 42 to 49 seconds, 50 to 58 seconds, range of scales, scales graduated in yards, 1 to 4 yds, 1 to 11 yds, 2 to 11 yds, 2 to 14 yds, 3 to 11 yds, 4 to 12 yds, 20 to 47 yds, 20 to 50 yds, 25 to 50 yds, 1000 to 4500 yds, 1200 to 5500 yds, 1500 to 7000 yds, 1600 to 7500 yds, 2300 to 11000 yds, 2500 to 12000 yds, 4500 to 16000 yds, 6000 to 1100
1220 Fire Control Computing Sights And Devices

Manufacturer Part Numbers

Part numbers registered to this national stock number.
Part Number
Part Number:
Cage Code:

Foreign Trade & Schedule B

What is a Schedule B number? Find more information at help.cbp.gov
  • Schedule B Number: 9803200000
  • NAICS: 990000
  • SITC: 93100
  • Description: Military equipments not identified by kind
  • End Use (Code 50060):
    Military apparel and footwear

Q & A

Frequently asked questions for NSN 1220-00-300-6504
What are the manufacturers of nsn 1220003006504?
Does this nsn 1220003006504 have a shelf life?
No. This NSN does not have an applicable shelf life.
What is the formal definition of nsn 1220003006504
A device designed in the form of a slide rule, having one or more scales of varying ranges, on either surface, and a plastic cursor with a matte to receive pencil markings of range correction. it is used with various types of ground and sky-sweeper weapons to determine quadrant elevation, angle of sight, or drift, and to calculate the trajectory of a projectile in relation to a target. it may contain scales for yards to meters conversion and gage points which are used in conjunction with the cursor and range scale to convert data given in meters to yards. scales may be in mils for determining high angle fire, time of flight, deflection shift, and the like.
Does nsn 1220003006504 contain any precious metals?
No precious metal content.
Does nsn 1220003006504 contain any hazardous materials?
No MSDS. No hazardous material.
What is the ESD classification of nsn 1220003006504?
No known electrostatic discharge.

Identification Group

Item Identification Guide (IIG) and Item Name Code (INC)
App. Key
Cond. Code
App. Key:
Cond. Code:

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