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Joint Electronics Type Designation Bearings

Category: Mechanical Motion Measuring Instruments Liquid Level Liquid And Gas Flow
Part Number
Part Number:
AN/TTC-59B(V)5 office
automat telephone central office
Part Number:
AN/TTC-59B(V)6 office
automat telephone central office
Part Number:
AN/TSC-201(V)1 system
satellite communications system
Part Number:
AN/TSQ-239(V)1 system
communication system
Part Number:
AS1003W100610 tee
tube tee
Part Number:
MK-3301/V kit
d installation and equipment kit
Part Number:
MK-3302/V kit
d installation and equipment kit
Part Number:
MK-3303/V kit
d installation and equipment kit
Part Number:
MK-3304/V kit
d installation and equipment kit
Part Number:
MK-3165/VRC kit
electronic equi installation kit
Part Number:
MK-3164/VRC kit
electronic equi installation kit
Part Number:
AN/PSD-1B module
target locator module
Part Number:
MK-3276/V kit
d installation and equipment kit
Part Number:
MK-3278/V kit
d installation and equipment kit
Part Number:
0L-761A(V)2/T group
tactical computer group
Part Number:
OL-761A(V)3/T group
tactical computer group
Part Number:
OL-761A(V)1/T group
tactical computer group
Part Number:
OL-761A(V)7/T group
tactical computer group
Part Number:
OL-761A(V)4/T group
tactical computer group
Part Number:
OL-761A(V)5/T group
tactical computer group
Part Number:
MK-3225/V kit
d installation and equipment kit
Part Number:
MK-3294/V kit
d installation and equipment kit
Part Number:
AN/TTC-64A(V)3 group
digital data switching group
Part Number:
AN/TTC-56B(V)3 office
manual telephone central office
Part Number:
55A44R66-1 rack
aircraft bomb rack

Parts Categories