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Joint Electronics Type Designation Bearings

Category: Accessories Components Stimulated Coherent Radiation Devices
Part Number
Part Number:
IM-239/WDQ FC4 radiacmeter
Part Number:
RT-1954A/PRC-154A(V)1 receiver-transmitter
radio receiver-transmitter
Part Number:
AN/TSX-4(V)1 system
biometric and management system
Part Number:
MK-3335/V kit
d installation and equipment kit
Part Number:
AN/TSX-4(V)2 system
biometric and management system
Part Number:
AM-7656/G amplifier
radio frequency amplifier
Part Number:
AN/PYG-1 (V)3 system
digital computer system
Part Number:
RT-2022/TSC informat
sensitive compartmented informat
Part Number:
OL-765D/TYQ-155(V) group
tactical computer group
Part Number:
AN/TYQ-155E(V)1 system
tactical command system
Part Number:
AN/PAS-13B sight
thermal sight
Part Number:
BA-5790/U battery
nonrechargeable battery
Part Number:
AN/GLM-11(V)2 nrp
countermea test set nrp
Part Number:
AN/PYG-1A(V)1 system
digital computer system
Part Number:
MK-3311/V kit
d installation and equipment kit
Part Number:
MK-3341/V kit
d installation and equipment kit
Part Number:
MK-3315/V kit
d installation and equipment kit
Part Number:
CP-2808/U system
digital computer system
Part Number:
AN/PYQ-16D system
digital computer system
Part Number:
SU-276/U reader
identification optical reader
Part Number:
RT-1916N(P)(C)/U receiver-transmitter
radio receiver-transmitter
Part Number:
SU-275/U reader
identification optical reader
Part Number:
AN/PRC-154A(V)1 set
radio set
Part Number:
MK-3345/V kit
d installation and equipment kit
Part Number:
AN/PSQ-36 kit
night vision viewer kit

Parts Categories