A definite length of wire or cable with a clip (1), electrical; connector, plug, electrical; connector, receptacle, electrical; jack, telephone; plug, telephone; jack, tip; plug, tip; or the like on one or both ends, and prod, test on either end but not both ends. Active electronic components such as capacitors, electron tube, resistors, semiconductor devices, and the like may be mounted into and included with lead, test for attenuation or amplification purposes. May or may not include accessories, such as clip (1), electrical; tip, test prod; prod, test; and test lead attachment. For items consisting of more than one lead, test see lead set, test. For items designed for direct attachment to a lead, test see prod, test. For items designed for indirect attachment to a lead, test see test lead attachment. For items not specifically designed for test purposes see lead, electrical.
NSN 6625012441831 availability
(as of 12/03/2023).
Note: Availability of this item may have changed since it was last checked. Request a quote for an updated price and availability quote.
What are the manufacturers of nsn 6625012441831?
Does this nsn 6625012441831 have a shelf life? No. This NSN does not have an applicable shelf life. |
What is the formal definition of nsn 6625012441831 A definite length of wire or cable with a clip (1), electrical; connector, plug, electrical; connector, receptacle, electrical; jack, telephone; plug, telephone; jack, tip; plug, tip; or the like on one or both ends, and prod, test on either end but not both ends. active electronic components such as capacitors, electron tube, resistors, semiconductor devices, and the like may be mounted into and included with lead, test for attenuation or amplification purposes. may or may not include accessories, such as clip (1), electrical; tip, test prod; prod, test; and test lead attachment. for items consisting of more than one lead, test see lead set, test. for items designed for direct attachment to a lead, test see prod, test. for items designed for indirect attachment to a lead, test see test lead attachment. for items not specifically designed for test purposes see lead, electrical. |
Does nsn 6625012441831 contain any precious metals? No precious metal content. |
Does nsn 6625012441831 contain any hazardous materials? No information in HMIRS. Hazardous material unknown. |
What is the ESD classification of nsn 6625012441831? No known electrostatic discharge. |
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