A device consisting of one or more components utilizing an alternating or direct current source to reactivate batteries in which reversible chemical reactions occur. Use only for devices containing resistors, metallic, or electronic type rectifiers or vibrators and which are specifically designed for the purpose of charging batteries. May include filters, meters, load contactor and alarm circuits. Includes battery charging switchboards which are supplied with integral or external means of rectification.
What are the manufacturers of nsn 6130014223138?
Does this nsn 6130014223138 have a shelf life? No. This NSN does not have an applicable shelf life. |
What is the formal definition of nsn 6130014223138 A device consisting of one or more components utilizing an alternating or direct current source to reactivate batteries in which reversible chemical reactions occur. use only for devices containing resistors, metallic, or electronic type rectifiers or vibrators and which are specifically designed for the purpose of charging batteries. may include filters, meters, load contactor and alarm circuits. includes battery charging switchboards which are supplied with integral or external means of rectification. |
Does nsn 6130014223138 contain any precious metals? No precious metal content. |
Does nsn 6130014223138 contain any hazardous materials? No MSDS. No hazardous material. |
What is the ESD classification of nsn 6130014223138? No known electrostatic discharge. |
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