A concentric type electrical fitting consisting of two or more conductors on a common shank. The contacts on two or three conductor plugs are termed sleeve, tip, or ring. It includes multiple shank plugs of this type. Excludes plug, tip.
What are the manufacturers of nsn 5935010445628?
Does this nsn 5935010445628 have a shelf life? No. This NSN does not have an applicable shelf life. |
What is the formal definition of nsn 5935010445628 A concentric type electrical fitting consisting of two or more conductors on a common shank. the contacts on two or three conductor plugs are termed sleeve, tip, or ring. it includes multiple shank plugs of this type. excludes plug, tip. |
Does nsn 5935010445628 contain any precious metals? Item contains gold. |
Does nsn 5935010445628 contain any hazardous materials? No information in HMIRS. Hazardous material unknown. |
What is the ESD classification of nsn 5935010445628? No known electrostatic discharge. |
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