Two or more different types of items having a common mounting or mounted on each other which together forms a portion of a switch but which in itself is not a complete functioning item and cannot be assigned a more definite item name. See also switch section, rotary and contact assembly, electrical.
What are the manufacturers of nsn 5930011392448?
Does this nsn 5930011392448 have a shelf life? No. This NSN does not have an applicable shelf life. |
What is the formal definition of nsn 5930011392448 Two or more different types of items having a common mounting or mounted on each other which together forms a portion of a switch but which in itself is not a complete functioning item and cannot be assigned a more definite item name. see also switch section, rotary and contact assembly, electrical. |
Does nsn 5930011392448 contain any precious metals? Item contains silver. |
Does nsn 5930011392448 contain any hazardous materials? No information in HMIRS. Hazardous material unknown. |
What is the ESD classification of nsn 5930011392448? No known electrostatic discharge. |
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