A solid metallic item, usually cylindrical, with or without a flange at one end. It is designed to be inserted into a hole to reduce the inside diameter of the hole and protect the surrounding body structure from damage resulting from stress, strain and/or vibration, but without a through hole parallel to the axis. It is intended for subsequent drilling operation.
What are the manufacturers of nsn 5365015466457?
Does this nsn 5365015466457 have a shelf life? No. This NSN does not have an applicable shelf life. |
What is the formal definition of nsn 5365015466457 A solid metallic item, usually cylindrical, with or without a flange at one end. it is designed to be inserted into a hole to reduce the inside diameter of the hole and protect the surrounding body structure from damage resulting from stress, strain and/or vibration, but without a through hole parallel to the axis. it is intended for subsequent drilling operation. |
Does nsn 5365015466457 contain any precious metals? No precious metal content. |
Does nsn 5365015466457 contain any hazardous materials? No MSDS. No hazardous material. |
What is the ESD classification of nsn 5365015466457? No known electrostatic discharge. |
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