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Joint Electronics Type Designation Bearings

Category: Mechanical Motion Measuring Instruments Liquid Level Liquid And Gas Flow
Part Number
Part Number:
MK-3396/V kit
d installation and equipment kit
Part Number:
MK-3394/V kit
d installation and equipment kit
Part Number:
MK-3430/V kit
d installation and equipment kit
Part Number:
CN-1742/A unit
inertial navigation unit
Part Number:
CP-2730/APS-153(V) processr
radar data processr
Part Number:
MK-3420/V kit
d installation and equipment kit
Part Number:
AN/VRC-117(V)2 set
radio set
Part Number:
AN/PLQ-9(V) 2 receiver-transmitter
countermeas receiver-transmitter
Part Number:
A3014023-11 label
Part Number:
AN/SRD-504A set
direction finder set
Part Number:
AN/MYQ-9C computer
digital computer
Part Number:
AN/GSN-16 set
satellite signals surveying set
Part Number:
AN/TYQ-93D(V)4 workstation
portable multifuncti workstation
Part Number:
AN/ARW-88(V)2 set
radio receiving set
Part Number:
AN/PYG-1A(V)2 system
digital computer system
Part Number:
OL-761B(V)8/T group
tactical computer group
Part Number:
AN/GSC-52B(V)12 terminal
satellite communication terminal
Part Number:
AN/TSQ-134(V)6 terminal
satellite communication terminal
Part Number:
AN/TYQ-23A(V)1 module
tactical air operations module
Part Number:
AN/PYQ-16E system
digital computer system
Part Number:
AN/TYQ-122B(V)2 system
teleconference system
Part Number:
AN/GYK-63A(V)2 system
digital computer system
Part Number:
AN/PSM-130 set
application program set
Part Number:
AN/TYQ-137A(V)4 system
digital computer system
Part Number:
AN/TYQ-155F(V)1 system
tactical command system

Parts Categories