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Roche Diagnostics Corporation Bearings

Category: Drugs And Biologicals United States company
Part Number
Part Number:
LM111H microcircuit
linear microcircuit
Part Number:
200743 chart
urin test strips and color chart
Part Number:
124761 kit
uric acid determination test kit
Part Number:
417109 chart
bili test strips and color chart
Part Number:
600 875 sulfate
leupeptin hydrogen sulfate
Part Number:
10-0676-2 tray
clinical ch diluent-reagent tray
Part Number:
10-0677-0 lid
reagent tray lid
Part Number:
10-0674-6 tip
pipet tip
Part Number:
10-2118-4 cuvette
multi-sample cuvette
Part Number:
00503 chart
gluc test strips and color chart
Part Number:
11895443160 chart
gluc test strips and color chart
Part Number:
100-081 medium
x-gal culture medium
Part Number:
417152 chart
leuk test strips and color chart
Part Number:
bili test strips and color chart
Part Number:
417145 chart
bili test strips and color chart
Part Number:
00585 lancet
finger bleeding lancet
Part Number:
00580 holder
finger bleeding lancet holder
Part Number:
42282 solution
automated analyzer wash solution
Part Number:
745162 control
blood chemistry control
Part Number:
744948 strips
glucose test strips
Part Number:
744964 strips
hemoglobin test strips
Part Number:
745049 strips
triglycerides test strips
Part Number:
745065 strips
cholesterol test strips
Part Number:
aspartate aminotrans test strips
Part Number:
bilirubin test strips