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Boehringer Ingelheim Roxane, Inc. Bearings

United States company
Part Number
Part Number:
NDC00054-8776-05 suppositories
morphine sulfate suppositories
Part Number:
NDC00054-4146-22 troches
clotrimazole troches
Part Number:
NDC00054-8614-44 inhalatio
metaproterenol sulfate inhalatio
Part Number:
NDC00054-4741-25 tablets
usp prednisone tablets
Part Number:
NDC00054-4603-25 tablets
usp megestrol acetate tablets
Part Number:
NDC00054-8022-24 acetaminop
codeine phosphate and acetaminop
Part Number:
NDC00054-8653-24 tablets
us oxycodone and aspirin tablets
Part Number:
0S-CAL 500 tablets
usp calcium carbonate tablets
Part Number:
NDC00054-3563-63 solution
usp metoclopramide oral solution
Part Number:
ROXANOL solution
morphine sulfate oral solution
Part Number:
NDC00054-8342-25 tablets
usp haloperidol tablets
Part Number:
NDC00054-8156-24 tablets
usp codeine sulfate tablets
Part Number:
NDC00054-4181-25 tablets
usp dexamethasone tablets
Part Number:
NDC00054-4721-25 tablets
us propantheline bromide tablets
Part Number:
dihydrotachysterol oral solution
Part Number:
NDC00054-4729-29 tablets
usp prednisone tablets
Part Number:
NDC00054-4420-31 tablets
imipramine hydrochloride tablets
Part Number:
NDC00045-0508-40 phosph
acetaminophen and codeine phosph
Part Number:
NDC00054-4496-13 tablets
leucovorin calcium tablets
Part Number:
NDC00054-8726-25 tablets
usp prednisone tablets
Part Number:
NDC00054-4392-25 tabl
hydromorphone hydrochloride tabl
Part Number:
NDC00054-8003-19 suppositories
usp acetaminophen suppositories
Part Number:
NDC00054-3482-54 suspension
kaolin and pectin suspension
Part Number:
NDC00054-8527-25 capsules
usp lithium carbonate capsules
Part Number:
NDC00054-3717-58 solution
u potassium iodide oral solution